About Site

From MATSO to Manavgat and Side...

Dear guests;
Manavgat, a location that has a strong
potential with its natural beauties,
with its historical and cultural wealth, is a great
regional, national and international touristic
The incentives and investments in the tourism
sector provided a rapid development of country 
and district tourism.
After these achievements, Manavgat became
the holiday region of Türkiye, with the highest
bed capacity.
Manavgat is a large tourism region that welcomes
4,5 million guests with a bed capacity of over
200 tousand, and provides on income of 4,5 billion dollars.
In this booklet, you will find actual information
about socio-economical structure, historical
places and sights, cultural wealth and
traditional products of Manavgat.
This booklet which we are aiming to contribute 
to the tourism promotion of Manavgat and Turkey
is published in four different languages as Turkish, English 
German and Russian. 

Chairman of Manavgat Chamber Of Commerce and
Industry (MATSO)